Cancellation Policy.
Unless otherwise mutually agreed in writing, all Fees shall be due and payable to Collaborative Motion 100% in advance, prior to Collaborative Motion providing any Services to You.
Individual Session Cancellations/ Reschedule
Rescheduling. For any individual sessions, if You make an appointment and are unable to attend that appointment, Collaborative Motion requires a minimum of 24 hours’ notice to reschedule an appointment. If You reschedule an appointment more than 24 hours before the previously scheduled appointment, any pre-paid Fees shall be applied to the newly scheduled appointment. However, if you fail to reschedule an appointment prior to the requisite 24-hour window, Collaborative Motion will not provide any refund of the Fees for that individual session.
Cancellation. For any individual sessions, if You make an appointment and want to cancel the appointment in its entirety, Collaborative Motion requires a minimum of 24 hours’ notice to cancel an appointment. If You cancel an appointment more than 24 hours before the previously scheduled appointment (and do not reschedule an appointment), any pre-paid Fees for that appointment shall be refunded to You in full. However, if you fail to cancel an appointment prior to the requisite 24-hour window, Collaborative Motion will not provide any refund of the Fees for that individual session.
Package Sessions Cancellations/ Reschedule
From time-to time, Collaborative Motion may offer various subscription or package deals for the provision of its Services.
If for example, you have opted to purchase one of Collaborative Motion’s delineated weekly/ monthly programs, where a certain number of sessions are allocated to a specific time and calendar date on a reoccurring basis (such as there will be weekly sessions at a predetermined date and time over a certain number of weeks), it will not be possible for Collaborative Motion to provide any refunds for pre-paid Fees should you miss an individual session comprising the package. If you are concerned about your ability to attend all the classes at a set time and date, you can purchase classes individually instead.
If for example, you have purchased a “package” deal, where you have purchased an allotment of individual sessions at a discounted rate, you can schedule, reschedule, and cancel individual sessions in this package in accordance with the Individual Session Cancellations/ Reschedule policy above. Please note, however, that the purchase of a package deal will include information as to the maximum number of months in which you must schedule an individual session. By way of a non-limiting example, you might purchase 8 yoga sessions for the price of 7 sessions, to be scheduled within a six-month period. Details for individual package/ subscription options will be delineated on your invoice or offer from Collaborative Motion.